Get your information right

A Thing happened at a hotel at which I was staying recently.
It impacted on a group of people numbering around 8 or so, and was resolved well by the hotel. As I waited for my coach, on the day of departure, I overheard a group of people talking about the Thing. None of this group were amongst the Eight, and so they will have heard of the Thing on the grapevine. Their recounting of it was devoid of even approximate accuracy. In places, it was wildly out. And, I suspect, by now, a few weeks on, the stories of the Thing will be amazing, and even further from what happened.
They went on to discuss a range of things, about which they were equally ill-informed, and were becoming quite animated in their critism of a range of people based, entirely, on fiction.
We are all prone to do this, you know.
And we really should seek to either be better informed, or more calm in our debate.
Just imagine if we made business decisions whilst not probably having grasped the facts. And I have seen people do this, at all levels.
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