Orangetree Products
We are experienced coders in asp, .net and c# technologies. We are also data base specialists, using SQL. We have a team of people ready to build and support business solutions in a variety of sizes.
Over the years, OrangeTree have saved many hours of administration time for our clients with innovative approaches to integration. This creates enormous time savings through removing duplicate data input.
We have learned a lot about specific industries and thier needs and have developed a suite of off the shelf products which we are proud of.

WARM stands for Waste and Recycling Management. Developed originally some 10 years ago, the system has been significantly upgraded through the years, and now includes some neat new features, including: Route Planning, Schedules and manages waste collections, Generates waste consignment notes, duty of care waste transfer notes. WARMDroid handheld application for collection drivers gives realtime document production and immediate information for your company.
Orangebox CMS

Totally 'What You See Is What You Get' point and click editing got your website content!
Not just that, but because your website is built on our platform we can help you extents its funtionality to suit your needs. Need to add a widget? ... no problem, we can help you with that. Need to add a blog or articles? .. no problem, it comes with that as standard.

This product is aimed, initially, at the motor trade, where it has been tried and tested over many years, although it could have other applications. First launched in 2004, it has recently had a major upgrade.
It is used for vehicle inventory checking, and can read bar codes. It provides a full, Sarbanes-Oxley level reconciliation report, and really takes the graft out of a full, blind stock check.
Proper vehicle inventory checking, at a very reasonable cost, done well. This is brand new for the Motor Trade!
Orangebox Timesheet

Orange Timesheet is a cloud based system that allow companies to ditch duplicate and triplicate timesheet pads for thier mobile workforce. The sytem will run on any browser the the mobile worker can run it on thier phone or notebook.
- Site signatures are collected.
- Location is captured so no need to enter addresses.
- Travel and working time is monitored.
- Paperwork can be produced on site if required or emailed.
- Realtime job updates to based.
With very low set up costs and pas as you go running costs, what have you got to loose?